Friday, October 16, 2009


Rachel. I just found THE best blog in the history of blogs. FAq you if you don't like it :)

1 comment:

t-h-u-g i be said...

Crotch shots. Girls on motor bikes. Thats mah shit right there! Yo I thinkz we need to collaborate on some real shit. Aight picture this: Me, looking all stunting and shit, wind blowing in mah hair
On mah tricycle. Don't laugh. I got 20's on that thang. they ain't 20's actually they just 10's but I keep em clean. And then you rollin on the back in some hooker shit. you know, short skirt, some fishnetz, fake nailz, eating some popcorn shrimp. Damn. They'd put us right in the books.