Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I've been using the word "die" a lot lately..
turns out-I've been thinking about it more.
Not in the morbid "I want death" sort of way.
It is just death and I want to think about it.

So I've thought of a way I'd like to go-
I will start the day renting the loveliest bike I can find. Wearing butterfly wings and a crown I will pedal away-preferable towards the ocean; stopping here and there to pick up things and put them in my basket. I might stop at a cafe and get some form of delectable chocolate and sip a hot tea. back on my bicycle I will cruise for hours. I may put a transitional radio tuned to the classical station on my handlebars. I'll tell my whole life story out loud. People on the street will hear bits and pieces. I'll wave and smile and cry and laugh.


Mary said...

I've been thinking about death a lot too in a similar way. Your plan sounds sad and lovely and you will be a damn cool old lady. Whoever gets to meet you on your trip will be lucky!

My thought is only for after I'm already dead. I will wear a white dress and be laying in a little wooden boat covered in white flowers and then I'll be pushed out onto the ocean.

Always Searching said...

this is so fabulous...i just can't even explain.