Sunday, May 24, 2009

earliest memory

My favorite/earliest memory is of my mom when she came home from the hospital with my little brother. My sister and I were waiting all night in our “onesie” pajamas for our new sibling to arrive. When we heard the car pull in we ran to the kitchen. I can remember the counters towering over our heads. That’s the smallest I can ever remember being. My mother walked in the door, followed by a cold burst of winter air and her fresh scent. That scent that even still dances around her. My sister and I were jumping around-laughing. I can feel my self smiling that grin so big. I was too young then to know the feeling, but I had missed her. She came in smiling-my brother wrapped in a blanket. I peered into the bundle on my tip toes and looked in his eyes. Then hugged her. Hugged my beautiful mother in a cold black coat.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Wow, that's exactly how I remember it too(: Lisa was babysitting us and then we all took turns sitting on the chair and holding him.